Volunteer / Social Project
During the pandemic, I participated in Fortalece, a non-profit initiative aimed at supporting small local businesses by promoting their products for delivery. The project began with 13 volunteers in Curitiba and, over time, expanded to more than 35 cities across Brazil, as well as to Portugal and New York. It was widely covered in the media, contributing to the survival of small businesses during a critical period. Together we are stronger! 💪
"Redes de apoio ajudam pequenos empreendedores a venderem produtos durante pandemia.
"Support networks help small entrepreneurs sell products during a pandemic.
"No dia da divulgação o restaurante bateu record de vendas e de pedidos.
"On the day of disclosure, the restaurant broke sales and orders record.
"Redes de apoio em Curitiba ajudam profissionais a vencer a crise do coronavírus.
"Support network in Curitiba help professionals overcome the coronavirus crisis

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